For Booking email
Jackpot! Recording Studio, Inc.
2420 SE 50th Ave. Portland, OR 97206
Zach Bloomstein – Studio Bookings
Larry Crane – Owner
Tel: 503.239.5389
Do not contact us about staff engineer, assistant, internship positions or any other employment opportunities as there are none available and we will not reply to such inquiries. No drop-ins please, we are in session!
Studio Day Rate (without engineer): $350 per day
Studio Hourly Rate: contact us for quotes
Engineer Rates: contact us for quotes
Pre-Session Tape Deck Calibration (if needed): $50
Tape Transfers (2-inch, 1/4-inch, cassette): $100 per (includes “baking” for open reel tapes)
* Hourly rates dependent on availability and any hourly sessions will be bumped if full day sessions are booked. Hourly sessions require a 3 hour minimum, and engineers new to Jackpot! are required to hire an assistant at $20 per hour. Contact us for details.
Special Introductory Deal
First time working at Jackpot! Recording Studio? Book a 10 hour day with a house engineer for only $600**!
(includes studio and engineering fees)
**This deal is for first-time client bookings only. Discount good for up to 10 days total (must be sequential dates). Discount only offered for tracking sessions and mixing of this session, but not for mixing-only sessions. Client will be assigned an engineer and cannot request the engineer. Client must mention this deal at the time of booking for the special rate to apply.
A session begins billing at the time the client booked it for, whether the client is present or not, and continues until the final load out. Consecutive studio day rate rentals (not hourly) are mandatory if gear or mixes are to be left set up overnight. Jackpot! Recording Studio accepts online payment by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Apple Pay; or check or cash. We do not accept payment via PayPal or Venmo due to the accounting problems it creates. You will be billed separately by your engineer (unless it’s Larry Crane or [in some cases] Kendra Lynn, Zach Bloomstein, Justin Chase, Gus Berry, & Adam Lee). Payment is due at the end of the session. All mixes, CD-Rs, hard drives, master tapes, etc. shall remain the property of Jackpot! Recording Studio, Inc. until all invoices are paid in full.
We require a $100 per day deposit in advance at time of booking – payable online. Your deposit will not be refunded if the session is cancelled with less than one month’s notice. Exceptions will be made for serious illness, covid, or death – not for lack of rehearsal time, your job schedule, or lack of money. Fees may be assessed for canceled bookings of over 3 days, or extra communications performed while booking (freelance engineers, equipment housing, shipping, etc), at Jackpot’s discretion.
We are not legally or financially responsible for items brought into or left on the premises. It is recommended that clients obtain insurance to protect against possible damage expense or loss of article(s) of value left on the premises. This includes master tapes, hard drives, or any media left at Jackpot! during sessions or before payment.
This information is intended to educate Jackpot! Recording Studio’s clients about the nature of digital media and also to establish legal boundaries regarding their digital data.
Make multiple backups of your data. Unless there are at least two copies of the data somewhere it is not safe. Three copies is preferred. This is YOUR responsibility! Backup copies of sessions in the digital realm should be made daily during the course of a session and taken home with the artist or producer at night. Post-session backups can be made onto external hard drives or stored in an online data storage bank. There is no certainty that a stored hard drive will play back after sitting for any amount of time, so back up your data to newer media as time goes on. We highly recommend purchasing quality, name brand hard drives.
all is new or new old stock, none is used tape
BASF SM900 (1) $365
Quantegy 499 (1) $365
Recording the Masters SM900 (3) $95
ATR (3) $95
ATR MDS-36 (1) $100 (3600′ long play)
Empty 1/4″ reels (used):
10.5″ with box $45
7″ with box $20
128 GB SSD HD $30
32 GB HD $10
Blank CD-R/DVD-R $1 each
(all tape and drives only for purchase for sessions at Jackpot!)
1. Jackpot! Recording Studio, Inc. is not responsible for storing your data or audio tapes during the course of a recording project.
2. Jackpot! Recording Studio, Inc. is not responsible for storing your data or audio tapes once the project is completed.
3. Jackpot! Recording Studio, Inc. is not responsible for data left on premises, either the dissemination of said data or loss thereof.
4. Jackpot! Recording Studio, Inc. is not responsible for educating or instructing any client on the care and safety of digital data.
5. Jackpot! Recording Studio, Inc. is not responsible for unrecoverable data, whether it be on analog tape, hard drive, CD-R, or DVD-R media.